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Verwood Church of England First School and Nursery

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  • 10/02/20

    Walt Disney in Willow Base

    Willow Base had a really fun Disney dress up day on Tuesday 4th February which was a celebration of our topic all about Walt Disney. We made paper plate characters from Disney films and iced Disney biscuits. We have really enjoyed learning all about Walt Disney’s life and how he has influen...
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  • 20/11/19

    Official Opening of our Library

    Friday 15th November marked the official opening of our library.  The Friends of Verwood have worked tirelessly to develop our library area.  We are really thankful to the many hours of hard work and their great creativity.  F.O.V. also paid for the storyteller to come in for the day...
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  • 20/11/19

    Dress as a Word Day

    On Friday 15th November, the children thoroughly enjoyed their dress as a word day and we have loved admiring all of the creative costumes! The children took part in an array of activities including using words to make friendship soup, vocabulary parades and even listening to our amazing storyteller...
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  • 23/10/19

    Our Library

    Massive thank you to the Friends of Verwood who have given up so much of their time to transform the books held in our Jubilee room into an amazing fully functional library.  All our children, including Nursery, have loved visiting this inspirational place.     The Friends...
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  • 23/10/19

    Sycamore Reading and Pyjama Day

      Our children in Sycamore base (Year 1) enjoyed a reward day for showing such great behaviour this half term. The children voted for a Reading and Pyjama day as their reward!  The children changed into their pyjamas, before listening to a story read by some of our Academy Committee...
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  • 09/10/19

    Ash Base visit to the Solar Farm

    Ash Base children recently visited the Solar Farm.  Children found out more about how solar panels work and learned about the journey the energy makes from the sun all the way to our homes.  They were also able to make some of their own electricity circuits using miniature solar panels and...
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  • 09/10/19

    Harvest Festival

    We welcomed Nigel Deller to Verwood CE First School and Nursery to help us celebrate our Harvest Festival.  This was a wonderful celebration where our children's families came to join us.  Thank you for the amazing donations of food that were received and taken to Verwood Food Bank who...
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  • 09/10/19

    Space Chase, Summer Reading Challenge

    Children from across all year groups were very excited to receive their Space Chase certificates for completing the Space Chase, Summer Reading Challenge 2019.  Children read six books to help the super space family track down books nabbed by mischievous aliens! As they read each library b...
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  • 03/07/19

    National School Sports Week

    Verwood First have been getting sporty for National School Sports Week! All week, children across the school have been getting active with the Sports Week Playground Challenge. It’s been great to see so many children trying to tick off lots of challenges! Sycamore enjoyed cricket sessions w...
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  • 27/06/19

    Circus Visit

    Year 2, Beech Base had a visit from the Shooting Stars circus workshop where they had great fun! They learnt how to spin plates and juggle with flower sticks. They also got to try out lots of exciting circus equipment including unicycles, scarves, bikes, hoops, juggling balls and tiny bikes! The aft...
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  • 27/06/19

    Ariel Eco Picture

    The Children of Verwood CE First School and Nursery came together to celebrate a fantastic team effort making use of unrecyclable plastic.  Firstly creating almost 300 Eco bricks with their families and then working together to create this giant Eco art.  The piece of artwork captured b...
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