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Verwood Church of England First School and Nursery

Willow Blog

Please see our weekly Blogs below.

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  • 20/03/21

    Willow Weekly Blog - 12/03/2021

    My magic moment has been having everyone back together. (Lucas) My magic moment has been seeing all my friends again. (Evie) I was in the learning pit when I was doing my maths, it was tricky but I tried and tried again. (Henry R) I was in the learning pit when I was stuck thinking of a gam...
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  • 15/12/20

    Willow Weekly Blog - 1/12/2020

    This week I have enjoyed PE when we were passing the football and playing mini football matches. (Fiona) I have enjoyed taking part in the Santa Dash. (Henry J) I have enjoyed learning multiplication in Maths. (Summer) This week I have been resilient in Maths working out where I needed to p...
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  • 10/12/20

    Willow Weekly Blog - 4/12/2020

    This week I have enjoyed rehearsing for the Christmas concert. (Henry J) I have enjoyed learning a new game in PE. (Bobbi) I have enjoyed doing my Maths with Mrs Ford. (Oliver) This week I have been respectful when I was sitting nicely and ready for my learning. (Lexi F) I have been reci...
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  • 02/12/20

    Willow Weekly Blog - 27/11/2020

    This week I have enjoyed writing my plan on how to wash a woolly mammoth. (Henry J) I have enjoyed the PE lesson when we dribbling the footballs. (Fiona) I enjoyed doing the division questions in my Maths No Problem book. (Summer) This week I have been resilient in Maths when I was doing my...
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  • 24/11/20

    Willow Weekly Blog - 20/11/2020

    This week I have enjoyed writing our Stone Age Boy story. (Ben) I have enjoyed PE when we were warming up and passing the ball to each other. (Chloe) I have enjoyed playing with my friends at playtime. (Oliver) This week I have been reflective when I was going over my spelling mistakes in l...
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  • 17/11/20

    Willow Weekly Blog - 13/11/2020

    This week I have enjoyed passing the ball in PE. (Oliver) I enjoyed doing multiplication in Maths. (Taylon) I enjoyed counting in Maths. (Shane) This week I have been respectful while Miss Snow was teaching RWI. (Fiona) I saw Erin being really responsible with her learning. (Amelia) I...
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  • 09/11/20

    Willow Weekly Blog - 6/11/2020

    This week I have enjoyed netball because we played matches. (Evie L) I have enjoyed reading our new guided reading book, ‘Stig of the Dump’. (Lana and Bobbi) This week I have been really absorbed in my Maths learning. (Megan) I have been respectful when talking to teachers and I...
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  • 26/10/20

    Willow Weekly Blog - 23/10/2020

    This week I have enjoyed having fun during the gem jar reward. (Oliver) I have enjoyed PE and playing lots of games with my friends. (Fiona) I enjoyed making the robot hands. (Lewis) I enjoyed watching the Harvest Festival and seeing all the other year groups. (Lorenzo) This week I have...
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  • 21/10/20

    Willow Weekly Blog - 16/10/2020

    This week I have enjoyed when we went on the computers and did the backgrounds for the animation on Scratch. (Lexi) I have enjoyed PE because we played a dodging game. (Bobbi) This week I have been reciprocal when I helped someone at playtime. (Shane) In Thursday’s maths I had to be r...
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  • 10/10/20

    Willow Weekly Blog - 9/10/2020

    This week I have enjoyed playing animal games in PE. (Fiona) This week I have enjoyed RWI and learning ‘tion’ words. (Bobby) I have enjoyed learning different ways to go faster when I run. (Ryan) I enjoyed playing netball and doing the chest pass. (Oscar) This week I have bee...
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  • 04/10/20

    Willow Weekly Blog - 2/10/2020

    This week I have enjoyed the HeartSmart worship. (Sienna) I have enjoyed doing science and learning about bones. (Summer) This week I have been I have been resilient especially in maths with my number sentences. (Lara) I was in the learning pit when I was trying to exchange in column additi...
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  • 28/09/20

    Willow Weekly Blog - 25/9/2020

    This week I have enjoyed doing PE and playing the game Splat.  Fiona This week I have enjoyed going on the computers and making posters. Rose This week I have been reflective in literacy when I didn’t know how to spell a word so I looked back in my literacy book to help me...
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