Sycamore Weekly Blog - 17/09/2021
This week I enjoyed …
My reading in phonics (Marlow)
My number matching activity in Maths (Charlotte)
Playing with my friends (Toby)
PE with Elliot (Kyle)
Practising my tracing really carefully, so I can use a pencil well (Freya)
My magic moment was …
In science, we did an experiment with dancing raisins! (Amber)
Science and the raisins going up and down (Matthew)
Learning new sounds in phonics (Emily)
Being proud of my writing (Halle)
Something I have learnt this week …
The Earth has a North Pole, a South Pole and an Equator around the middle (Emily)
Raisins are heavier than water (Lyla)
The moon goes around the Earth (Logan)
That stars are balls of fire (Ethan)
Next week I am looking forward to …
Doing some painting in Art (Joshua HJ)
Playing with my brother at lunchtime (Max B)
Doing some more maths (Hugo)
Going on the computers (Ellie)