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Science Curriculum Statement 


We provide a high-quality science curriculum based on scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding alongside scientific enquiry to lay the foundations for understanding the world. We want our pupils to have the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science today and for the future. We aim to develop excitement and curiosity of natural phenomena.


The acquisition of key scientific knowledge is an integral part of our science lessons. Key scientific language is modelled and taught throughout lessons enabling our children to be familiar with and use vocabulary accurately. Our topics are informed by the national curriculum and are designed to ensure that children are building on prior knowledge, understanding and skills. Within science, there are many cross-curricular links and these are identified. Key objectives are identified within the progression of skills documents and curriculum maps, with medium term planning showing careful consideration of objectives that may need to be recapped and how a sequence of lessons can be organised in order to work towards key objectives.  New scientific vocabulary is introduced and taught discretely at the beginning of each topic, as part of an immersion session. Learning is reviewed regularly within topics, where teachers check for understanding and consolidate learning or address misconceptions when necessary.

The progression of skills for working scientifically has been carefully designed to ensure that pupils have a sound understanding of the features of scientific enquiry. In Key Stage 1, are introduced to the key terminology associated with working scientifically and teachers ensure children understand these through adult led investigations and clear modelling. By Key Stage 2, pupils develop their independence during investigations and are given more opportunities to apply their understanding of working scientifically. All children are encouraged to ask questions and are given opportunities to find the answers through investigation. 

Teaching and learning in science is interactive and practical and allows children to work independently, in pairs or in groups. Tasks are designed to provide appropriate challenge to all learners. Teachers adapt planning in order to meet the needs of their class, in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion. 

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) follows the DFE Statutory Framework which aims for all children in reception to begin to gain a wider experience of the world around them. Children will learn through first-hand experiences to explore, observe, problem solve, predict, think critically, make decisions and talk about the creatures, people, plants and objects in their natural environments.School trips and visits relating to science are also used to support learning and events such as British Science Week raises the profile of science within our school and encourages pupils to further explore scientific topics. 


Pupils often enjoy scientific topics within our school and engagement with home learning or science week topics is strong. Learning in Science books show that learning is of good quality as children are demonstrating their understanding of content and using vocabulary appropriately. Interactions with pupils will show that they have an increasing understanding of what it means to work scientifically. Assessments and monitoring will show standards in science will be high and will match standards in other subject areas. Children understand that anyone can be a scientist and they themselves can continue to question the world around them, be intrigued by natural phenomena and can seek answers.