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Sports Premium

We aim to offer high quality, creative PE and sporting activities throughout the school, which is sustainable and accessible to all children. We aim to use the sports funding to increase the sportive and active opportunities we are offering out children in terms of participation, competition and the range of activities we offer.

The School Sports Premium funding is given to schools in order to meet the following outcomes:

  1. Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick starting a healthy active lifestyle

  2. Profile of PE being raised across the school and whole school improvement

  3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE

  4. Broader experience of sports and activities for children

  5. Increased participation in competitive sports

On 17th July 2017 the Department for Education confirmed that the Primary PE & Sport Premium will double from September 2017 with schools now receiving a grant of £16000, plus an additional £10 per pupil for the academic year. Lucy Earley is our PE subject leader and is coordinating our school sports premium funding and monitoring its impact.

Active Dorset

An overview of how we have spent our funding and how we intend to spend our funding for this academic year can be seen in the document below.