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New Parents September 2020

We are all very much looking forward to be meeting your special little ones and cannot wait for them to start school hopefully in September. However, we understand this can be a big change for you all at home and we want to reassure you our main priority is that your child settles well and enjoys their time at our school. This is a big milestone in your child’s development and they will be starting their journey in developing their learning skills, becoming independent in their everyday routines and gaining new relationships. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us through the school office if you have any questions or queries, we would love to hear from you. These will then be passed onto the reception team who will directly answer your messages. 

Below we have attached information that you may find useful to help prepare your child with starting school. Here are activities for children to kick start their learning, new parent guides and checklists to help you feel ready.

The School Day (once full time):

8:30am Oak Base Doors Open
8:45am Registration
9:00am Learning Starts
10:15 - 10:30am KS1 Breaktime
11:55 - 12:55pm Lunch
1:00 - 1:30pm Worship
2:55pm School day ends for Oak

Please be aware that in Oak base these times will vary when the children first start school. Please come and see us if you are unsure.

New Starter Checklist

  •    All forms to be sent back to the office   
  •    Named all uniform pieces
  •    Outdoor coat  
  •    PE kit in suitable bag  
  •    Book bag    
  •    Named drinks bottle  
  •    Named lunch box if having a packed lunch
  •    SCOOSC bookings
  •    Order Hot School Meals 
  •    Register for Cool Milk or orange juice with the office   

      Please ensure ALL items are named.

Please see attachments below: