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Nursery Weekly Blog - 27/01/2023

Another week of fun at Nursery.  This week we have focused on the text “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” We have even learnt the story to music!

We have used this as a basis for lots of learning about colour – free painting, colour match games, discussions about our favourite colour and what might happen if we mix different colours.   We have learned the song “If You Are Wearing Red Today”

We have made bird feeders and positioned these around the school grounds.  We have taken walks to see if we can spot any birds enjoying these tasty treats.

The children have played a range of games based on the themes of healthy eating and oral health. We have talked about how and when we brush our teeth.  How we keep ourselves healthy and what foods we only eat sometimes.

On Tuesday we had our first Gem Jar Day of 2023.   When we asked the children for ideas of how they would like to spend this time, a Happy Land Day was a popular choice. 

On Tuesday morning whilst we were all in our Wake and Shake session, the main school hall was being made into a Happy Land Town.  We had a windmill, castle, school, farm, airport, zoo and lots of houses.  Oak Base were kind enough to let us use their resources too, so we had so much to do.  The children enjoyed a snack of milk and a biscuit in the hall and then the fun continued. 

As always, we have enjoyed playdough, construction, balls, bubbles, Duplo, train tracks and mud kitchen.  

As part of our phonic sessions, we have explored sounds using musical instruments and the different sound that different instruments make.  We have also played a transport sounds listening game.  Using the white board, we have practiced recognising our initials.  We have listened to “Carnival of the Animals” and used this to mark make to the music – making different movements with the tools, depending on the way the music makes us feel.

During our maths learning, we have practiced matching numeral to quantity on the whiteboard, made towers with multi-link cubes.  We have used a range of writing resources such as crayons, chalk, stencils and brushes to mark make with.

We have used the white board to draw circles to match the numeral. 

During PE, we played “Beans” had balls and hoops, played ring games and Cosmic Kids Yoga.

As always, it’s been a busy week in Nursery with lots of fun learning opportunities.