Oak Weekly Blog - 20/01/2023
This week I have enjoyed making cards in the Creative Areas for my friends (Alice)
My magic moment was having a visit from PC Bite and seeing her uniform and walkie talky (Freddie)
Something I have learnt this week is how to use the scales to see if something is heavier or lighter (Olivia)
I have been reflective this week when Miss Matthew asked about our Paddington learning last week (Ruby)
Next week I am looking forward to doing some really good writing with 3 words! (Jesse)
This week I have enjoyed playing doctors with my friends in the home corner. Spencer
My magic moment was when a police woman came in to tell us about her uniform and how she helps people. Solvi
Something I have learnt this week is ‘igh’ in ULS - Pixie
I have been reflective this week by making good choices at playtime and I got a sticker from the play leaders. Arthur
Next week I am looking forward to playing with my friends in the outside area. Ava