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Nursery Weekly Blog - 09/12/2022

This week our Christmas preparations continue, more and more handmade decorations are appearing every minute – bunting, paper chains, glitter filled trees and much more.  The children used the links to create their own fairy lights for the home corner.  Please look out for your cards and calendars as these are now being sent home when they are finished.

We have regularly joined Oak and Sycamore in the school hall for performance practices and the children have all been amazing at remembering smiling faces, standing tall and big singing voices.   Our props have been finished and look amazing.   The whole school watched our dress rehearsal on Friday morning and the children were all amazing!

Wednesday was a real highlight when we had a real fire engine pay a visit to the school playground.  We were able to have a look at the engine, talk to the fire fighters and even watch the hose being sprayed onto the school field. 

Whilst the school were at church, we were able to watch the pantomime “Jack and the Beanstalk” on the big screen in school.  Oh yes, we did.

The children have used a wide variety of resources to act out various elements of the Nativity story.  These include the construction of stables, making and wrapping gifts, looking after babies, feeding animals and making cosy beds from hay. 

We have read the Christmas story and Father Christmas related stories too.   In addition, we have focused on the story “Come on, Daisy.” This looks at a duck who doesn’t listen to her Mummy and gets lost.  The children have talked about the need to listen and to stay safe.  We have talked about how Mary and Joseph kept baby Jesus safe in the manger.  This has been extended to look at different types of family.  Daisy and her Mummy are a family, Mary, Joseph and Jesus are a family.  Who is in our family?

We have had some wonderful helpers who have been sweeping the leaves in the garden to help keep the garden tidy, watered the pepper plants to help them to grow and helped to prepare the snacks for our snack café – washing, chopping and presenting the fruit for everyone. 

Lunchtime has been accompanied by many different types of Christmas Music from jazz to traditional hymns.  We have also used Christmas music to dance to, for dough disco and for musical statues. 

We have enjoyed free painting with fingers and brushes, playdough, listening games, cutting and sticking, matching games, number rhymes and so much more.

The last week for the term will be a very busy one with lots more exciting activities to still look forward to.