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Willow Weekly Blog - 06/01/2023

Wow, what a great start to our new half-term! The children have all come back to school with big smiles on their faces, eager to learn.

Our topic for this half-term is Rocks and Fossils. It has been lovely to witness the children already bringing their own interests and experiences to their learning.

We had a great immersion day learning all about local hero Mary Anning and her important role in palaeontology and the fossil world. In the afternoon, we focused on our new R for the half-term – reflection. We focused specifically on revising.

In literacy, we have started our learning based on ‘The Pebble in my Pocket’ by Meredith Hooper. As the term continues, we will learn all about the journey of a pebble.

In maths, we have started learning all about the 3 times table. We will continue to review this over the term.