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Nursery Weekly Blog - 04/11/2022

Welcome to the first week of the second half term of the year.  We have had a very busy time again this week, with lots of fun activities.

Our key text for this week is “Room on the Broom”, by Julia Donaldson.  We have read the story and the children have taken it in turns to look after the puppet.  We have also watched the animated version on Cbeebies.   We have used all sorts of natural resources to create our own potion – but unfortunately no “Truly Magnificent Broom” has been conjured up just yet!  We have made our own broom pictures, with all of the characters from the story using scissors, glue and pens.

The children have continued to take turns to water the pepper plants every morning and we have had very animated conversations about how they are growing- and what creature might be having a nibble of them too.

We have used straws, watercolours and crayons to create some amazing fireworks pictures which make a colourful display on the wall.  Junk modelling continues to be a very popular activity with some wonderful creations going home. 

We have played a variety of games including Soundtracks, lotto match games, colour match, Kim’s Game and Tallest Tower.

We have been looking at counting to 5, using multi link block and other resources to represent 5.  This has been supported by number rhymes such as 5 Current Buns, 5 Little Ducks and 5 Little Leaves. 

During our PE session in the hall, we played parachute games and followed a “Room on the Broom” yoga session.

We have explored the new home corner area with teeth cleaning for the dolls, soup for the witch and a birthday party.

Our “R” focus this half term is Resilience.  The children have tried very hard to be independent with self care skills, especially putting on and taking off their own coat, and finding their own name peg.

We can’t wait for more fun next week when we will be looking at Diwali.