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Willow Weekly Blog - 18/11/2022

What a great week we have had in Willow! It is safe to say that the children are fully embracing our Bronze Age topic and continue to wow us with their enthusiasm towards their learning.

In Literacy, we have been unpicking all of the elements that we need to improve our diary writing. We have looked at chronological order, adverbs and time conjunctions. The children will then be using these to wow us with their diary writing next week.

In Maths, we have been using bar models to support us in solving addition and subtraction word problems.

A definite highlight of the week has been weaving in Art. The children explored the work of Anni Albers, then created their own woven piece of art.  There are some natural weavers in Willow! Let’s see if the children can apply this new found skill to the fence building at the Ancient Technology Centre next week!