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Nursery Weekly Blog - 18/03/2022

We have had a really lovely week in Nursery we are so proud of every child.

With the heavy rain showers on Wednesday and the beautiful sunshine on Friday- it certainly has been an interesting time.

The highlight for us this week was being able to take the children back to the main school building for Pe sessions. During the next few weeks we hope to use the hall more and also the jubilee room and library with our children. This is one of the benefits of being a school nursery so that we can share the school facilities. Due to the pandemic we have been quite isolated in our own little building at times but this is changing which is very exciting for us all.

We have continued our theme of The Jungle and this week our focus text has been Handa’s Surprise. The children have enjoyed acting out the story remembering which animal took which fruit from Handa’s basket. Also, during snack time, we have been trying different fruits - water melon and melon seems to be the favourite.