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Beech Weekly Blog - 18/03/2022

We have had another busy but enjoyable week in Beech Base!

The children have really enjoyed learning more about Florence Nightingale in history this week and have really impressed us with their knowledge of how she impacted nursing and hospitals. They used this knowledge to help them to write some amazing descriptive sentences about what they would have seen if they were Florence walking into one of the hospitals in 1855. Braxton wrote ‘I could see bottles and old food on the dirty, disgusting floors’. What a great sentence!

We have also been enjoying our maths topic this week all about money. The children have shown great resilience when identifying and comparing amounts of money. It has also been British Science Week and the children have been busy creating bar charts and posters about how we can grow a more eco friendly community. These will be displayed in school.

Next week we are looking forward to learning more about Florence Nightingale and writing our Florence Diary Entries.