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Willow Weekly Blog - 18/03/2022

This week I enjoyed going to Kingston Lacy. I enjoyed exploring the house and gardens. (Lucy)

This week I also enjoyed going to Kingston Lacy because we drew some beautiful flowers. (Hetty)

This week I have learnt how to tell the time including o’clock, quarter past and half past. (Molly)

I have enjoyed my swimming lessons this week. (Ivy)

This week I have learnt about leaflets. I haven’t really seen many leaflets before and I didn’t really know what was on them. (Finlay)

I enjoyed learning about leaflets too because when I go to Morrisons and I see them there I don’t really get to look into the details of what is on them. (Olivia)

A book I enjoyed reading this week is called Pokémon: The Battle. It’s a book I have written and I am working on part two. (William C)

I have really enjoyed reading Harry Potter at home. I enjoyed it because in the book Hermione isn’t friends with Ron and Harry but in the films they are all friends. (Charlie)