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Willow Weekly Blog - 21/01/2022

I have enjoyed learning......

about what happened 65 million years ago, in our book The Pebble in My Pocket. (Charlie)

about Maths where we are learning about cm, m and kms and looking at distance. (Aaron)

more about Mary Anning this week. Her brother, Joseph Anning quit fossil hunting in the 1820’s. (Amelia)

This week I have shown Resilience when I started a new topic in Maths. It was quite tricky! (Evie)

I enjoyed looking at all of the fossils that the children brought in to share. Lots of them have visited beaches along the Jurassic Coast. (Miss North)

A book I enjoyed reading this week during ERIC time is Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw. It was good because it was funny! (Renato)

A book I enjoyed reading at home this week was Rock and Rolling. I liked it because it was really exciting, and there were lots of characters. One of them was Bella, another one was Jason and one of them was Mr Diego. (Zara)