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Nursery Weekly Blog - 08/10/2021

The changing weather hasn’t stopped the fun in Nursery!  We have been able to enjoy lots of activities inside and made the most of the time we have been able to go outside. 

We enjoyed playdough, making all sorts of animals and food, making patterns with coloured beads of different sizes, working out some new puzzles together and the sand pit continues to be very popular.  Using the interactive white board, we have practiced name recognition and drawn pictures to discuss key points in the stories we have read. 

We have had lots of fun during music and movement learning some great new songs including The Birdie Song.  We had a real treat on Friday watching the bins being collected and waving at and thanking the Refuse Collectors.   In addition, we had a Lock Down Drill practice – we explained to the children that there might be a frightened horse on the field and we had to stay still and quiet.  The children responded positively and we had a successful practice.