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Beech Weekly Blog - 18/06/2021

This week we have enjoyed ..

Doing sharing in maths- Liana. Literacy learning about the Rainbow Serpent – Brooke. The sound search in Read Write Inc – Molly

We had to show (insert R word) when …

Resilience with my value project making it out cardboard – Evie. Resilience in PE doing the relay race when my legs got stiff – Amelia

We stumbled in the learning pit when …

When we were writing the blurb and doing neat handwriting but my learning partner helped me – Brooke. In maths there was a tricky question so I drew something in my book to help me work out the answer. – Amelia

Next week we are looking forward to …

Learning more about the rainbow serpent – Zara. Finding out which country we will be learning about next week. - Evie