Ash Weekly Blog - 13/11/2020
This week we really enjoyed PE because we played football matches (Ben L), maths because we are working through our times tables (George) and our literacy learning (Ryan A).
A magic memory was when I scored from my own box (Harvey), when I was playing football at break time (Charlie) and ICT when we were looking for synonyms (Gianluca)
We had to be resilient in maths (Elsie), respectful when carrying out our 2 minutes silence (Dylan) and resourceful in maths (Mya).
We needed to show a growth mind-set attitude during my handwriting (Xander M), when doing my times tables (Elijah).
We are looking forward to odd sock day on Monday (Erin), learning more about the Anglo-Saxons (Flynn) and the purple and green (non-uniform) day on Friday (Leanna).