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Ash Weekly Blog - 9/10/2020

This week we really enjoyed French because we are learning to count to 100 (Alfie), Tuesday PE as we played football and Thursday PE because we played Netball matches (Telulah).

A magic memory was during maths (Pedro), was when we had to count up in 10s in French (Ryan) and at lunch when I was playing with my good friend (Tyler).

We had to be reflective when we were doing our dictation in literacy (Gianluca), when we were doing some tricky maths (Ben) and in PE with Elliott (Eirwen). 

We needed to show a growth mind-set attitude when were we renaming our number during maths (Charlie), during lunch play when playing tennis (Bradley) and when we played a competitive game tennis shoot out (Toby)

We are looking forward to choosing time as we get to go onto the computers (Lucas), Tracey coming in from the solar farm (Harrison) and showing my drawings (Amelia).